


1991 Dave Batchelor in Perth
1991 Dave Batchelor
1991 Derek Sears in Tokyo 1
1991 Derek Sears in Tokyo 2




1991 Lu Jie 4
1991 Lu Jie
1991 Ms. Chang in Beijing
1991 Steve Symes




1992 Chang Yanghon 1
1992 Chang Yanghon 2
1992 Chang Yanghong & Huang Shaoxing
1992 Christopher Sears, Ian Beard, Huang
Shaoxing, Chang Yanhong, David Sears, Hazel Sears, Steve Symes, Jannette
Akridge at the lake




1992 Huang Shaoxing, Chang Yanghong, Hazel
Sears, Derek Sears, Jannette Akridge at the lake
1992 Huang Shaoxing, Hazel Sears, Joyce Roth,
Joyce's husband, Chang Yanghon, Julie (steve's girlfirend), Steve SYmes,
Janice Balog, Paul Benoit, David Sears, Christopher Sears
1992 Lu Jie's graduation
1992 Lu Jie




1992 Paul Benoit
1992 Paul Benoit and Derek Sears in red light of
TL lab 2
1992 Paul Benoit and Derek Sears in red light of
TL lab 3
1992 Paul Benoit and Derek Sears in red light of
TL lab




1993 Huang Shaoxing
1993 Chang Yanghong
1993 Huang Shaoxing 2
1993 Paul Benoit projects an image of a solar
eclipse 1




1993 Paul Benoit projects an image of a solar
eclipse 2
1994 Glen Akridge, Diann Schneider, Jannette
Akridge, Chang Yanhong, Diann Schneider and Huang Shaoxing
1994 Chang Yanhong, Jannette Akridge, Diann
Schneider, Glen Akridge and Huang Shaoxing
1994 Diann Schneider and Huang Shaoxing




1994 Huang Shaoxing
1995 Steve Symes
1994 Ms. Chang
1995 Diane Schneider




1995 Diann Schneider and Glen Akridge
1995 Diann Schneider as a color check
1995 Diann Schneider
1995 Glen Akridge, Jannette Akridge, Diann
Schneider, Chang Yanhong, Steve Symes and Huang Shaoxing




1995 Jannette Akridge at her desk, being a color
check for CL photography
1995 Steve Symes 2
1995 Steve Symes at his desk
1995 Steve Symes, Julie, Diane Schneider, Hazel
Sears and Derek Sears




1996 The research group with Robert Hutchison
1996 Derek Sears
1996 Hazel Sears, Chang Yanghon, Gail Halleck,
Diane Schneider, Anne Taunton, Jannette Akridge at a baby shower for Gail
1996 Hazel Sears




1997 Glen Akridge and Janette Cunningham just
before they married
1997 Diane Schneider at the group Christmas
1997 Diane Schneider
1998 Paul Benoit, Glen Akridge, Jannette
Akridge, Steve Symes and Derek Sears at the LPSC




1998 Diane Schneider at the LPSC
1998 Glen Akridge making his presentation at the
1998 Glen Akridge
1998 Jannette Akridge, Glen Akridge and Derek
Sears at the LPSC




1998 Jannette Akridge
1998 Jannette Cunningham (right) receiving the
Dwornik Award
1998 Paul Benoit making his presentation at the
1999 Glen Akridge, Derek Sears and Jannette




1999 Derek and Hazel Sears
2000 Diann Schnieder
2000 Derek Sears and Diann Schnieder
2000 Derek Sears

2000 Diann Schneider