Peer-Reviewed Articles
13. Mills, A.A., Sears, D.W. and Hearsey, R. (1977) Apparatus for the measurement of
thermoluminescence. J. Phys.
(E): Sci. Instrum., 10, 51-56.
18. Rogers, P.J. and Sears, D.W. (1978) A study of the thermoluminescence of
fluorites. Mercian Geologist,
6, 271-280.
28. Sears, D.W. (1980) Thermoluminescence of meteorites; relationships with their
K-Ar age and their shock and reheating history. Icarus, 44, 190-206.
30. Sears, D.W. and McKeever, S.W.S. (1980) Measurement of thermoluminescence
sensitivity of meteorites. Mod.
Geol., 7, 201-207.
31. Sears, D.W., Grossman, J.N., Melcher, C.L., Ross,
L.M. and Mills, A.A. (1980)
Measuring the metamorphic history of unequilibrated ordinary
chondrites. Nature, 287,
33. Sears, D.W., Grossman, J.N. and Melcher, C.L.
(1982) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites - I: Metamorphism-related studies of Antarctic and
other type 3 ordinary chondrites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 46, 2471-2481.
35. Sears, D.W.G. and Ross, M. (1983) Classification of the Allan Hills
A77307 meteorite. Meteoritics,
18, 1-7.
36. Sears, D.W.G. and Weeks, K.S. (1983) Chemical and physical studies of type 3
chondrites - II: Thermoluminescence of sixteen type 3 ordinary chondrites and
relationships with oxygen isotopes.
Proc. 14th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., part 1, J. Geophys. Res., 88,
38. Sparks, M.H., McKimmey, P. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1983) The thermoluminescence
carrier in the Dhajala chondrite. Proc.
13th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. Part 2, J. Geophys. Res., 88,
39. Guimon, R.K., Weeks, K.S., Keck, B.D. and Sears,
D.W.G. (1984) Thermoluminescence
as a palaeothermometer. Nature,
311, 363-365.
40. Sears, D.W.G., Ashworth, J.R., Broadbent, C.P. and
Bevan, A.W. (1984) Studies of an
artificially shock-loaded H group Chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48,
41. Sears, D.W.G., Bakhtiar, N., Keck, B.D. and Weeks,
K.S. (1984) Thermoluminescence and
the shock and reheating history of meteorites: II. Annealing studies of the
Kernouve meteorite. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 2265-2272.
42. Sears, D.W.G., Sparks, M.H. and Rubin, A.H.
(1984) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites - III: Chondrules from Dhajala H3.8
chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 48, 1189-1200.
45. Guimon, R.K., Keck, B.D. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1985) Chemical and physical studies
of type 3 chondrites - IV: Annealing studies of a type 3.4 ordinary chondrite
and the metamorphic history of meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 19,
46. Rubin, A.E., James, J.A., Keck, B.D., Weeks, K.S.,
Sears, D.W.G. and Jarosewich, E. (1985)
The Colony meteorite and variations in CO3 chondrite properties. Meteoritics, 20, 175-196.
48. Guimon, R.K., Sears, D.W.G. and Lofgren, G.E.
(1986) The
thermoluminescence-metamorphism relationship in ordinary chondrites:
Experimental data on the mechanism and implications for terrestrial
systems. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
13, 969-9 72.
49. Hartmetz, C.P., Ostertag, R. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1986) A thermoluminescence study
of experimentally shock-loaded oligoclase and bytownite. Proc. 17th Lunar
and Planet. Sci. Conf., Part 1, J. Geophys. Res., 91, E263-E274.
50. Hasan, F.A., Haq, M. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Thermoluminescence and the shock and
reheating history of meteorites - III: The shergottites. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 50, 1031-1038.
52. Keck, B.D., Guimon, R.K. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1986) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites, VII. Annealing studies of the Dhajala H3.8
chondrite and the thermal history of chondrules and chondrites. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 77,
419-4 27.
53. Recca, S.I., Scott, E.R.D., Keil, K., Clayton, R.N., Mayeda,
T.K., Huss, G.J., Jarosewich, E., Weeks, K.S., Hasan, F.A., Sears, D.W.G.,
Wieler, R. and Signer, P. (1986)
Ragland, an LL3.4 chondrite find from New Mexico. Meteoritics, 21, 217-229.
57. Keck, B.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Chemical and physical studies of type 3
chondrites, VIII: The CO
chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 51, 3013-3022.
58. Sears, D.W.G. and Hasan, F.A. (1987) Type 3 ordinary chondrites: A review. Surv. in Geophysics, 9, 43-97.
59. Guimon, R.K., Lofgren, G.E. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1988) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites, IX:
Thermoluminescence and hydrothermal annealing experiments and their
relationship to metamorphism and aqueous alteration in type <3.3 ordinary
chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 119-127.
60. Haq, M., Hasan, F.A. and Sears, D.W.G. (1988) Thermoluminescence and the shock and
reheating history of meteorites - IV: The induced TL properties of type 4-6
ordinary chondrites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 1679-1689.
61. Lipschutz, M.E., Verkouteren, R.M., Sears, D.W.G.,
Hasan, F.A., Prinz, M., Weisberg, M.K., Nehru, C.E., Delaney, J.S., Grossman,
L. and Boily, M. (1988) Cumberland
Falls chondritic inclusions - III. Consortium study of relationship to
inclusions in Allan Hills 78113 aubrite.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 1835-1848.
62. McSween, H.Y., Dodd, R.T. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1988) Thermal metamorphism. In Meteorites and the Early Solar
System (J.F. Kerridge and M.S. Matthews, eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press,
Tucson AZ, 102-113.
63. Sears, D.W.G. (1988) Thermoluminescence of meteorites: Shedding light on the cosmos. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas./Int. J. Radiat. Appl.
Instrum., Part D, 14, 5-17 (invited paper).
66. Haq, M., Hasan, F.A., Sears, D.W.G., Moore, C.B. and
Lewis, C.F. (1989)
Thermoluminescence and the origin of the dark matrix of Fayetteville and
similar meteorites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 53, 1435-1440.
69. Sears D.W.G., Myers B.M., Hartmetz C.P. and Hasan
F.A. (1990) Structural state and
anomalous fading of thermoluminescence of oligoclase. Nucl. Tracks Radiat.
Meas., Int. Jour. Radiat. Appl. Instrum, part D, 17, 583-586.
70. Batchelor, J.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1991) Metamorphism of eucrite meteorites
studied quantitatively using thermoluminescence. Nature 349, 516-519.
71. Batchelor J.D. and Sears D.W.G. (1991) Thermoluminescence constraints on the
metamorphic, shock and brecciation history of basaltic meteorites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 55, 3831-3844.
73. Benoit P.H., Sears H. and Sears D.W.G. (1991) Thermoluminescence survey of 12
meteorites collected by the European 1988 Antarctic meteorite expedition to
Allan Hills and the importance of acid washing for thermoluminescence
sensitivity measurements. Meteoritics 26, 157-160.
74. Sears, D.W.G., Hasan, F.A., Batchelor, J.D. and Lu
Jie (1991) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites XI: metamorphism, pairing, and brecciation of
ordinary chondrites. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 21, 493-512.
75. Sears D.W.G., Benoit P.H. and Batchelor J.D.
(1991) Evidence for differences in
the thermal histories of Antarctic and non-Antarctic H chondrites with cosmic
ray exposure ages <20 Ma. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55
77. Sears, D.W.G., Lu Jie, Keck, B.D., Batchelor, J.D.
(1991) Metamorphism of CO and
CO-like chondrites and comparisons with type 3 ordinary chondrites. Proc.
NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteor. 4, 1745-1805.
78. Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1992) The breakup of a
meteorite parent body and the delivery of meteorites to Earth. Science 255, 1685-1687.
82. Ninagawa, K., Nishimura S., Kubona N., Yamamoto I.,
Kohata M., Wada T., Yamashita Y., Lu J., Sears D.W.G., Matsunami S. and
Nishimura H. (1992)
Thermoluminescence of chondrules in primitive ordinary chondrites,
Semarkona and Bishunpur. Proc.
NIPR Symp. Antarctic Meteor. 5, 281-289.
84. Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1993) Breakup and structure of an H-chondrite
parent body: The H-chondrite flux
over the last million years. Icarus
101, 188-200.
88. Lipschutz M.E., Wolf S.F., Vogt S., Michlovich E.,
Lindstrom M.M., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Schultz L., loeken T., Scherer P., Dodd
R.T., Sears D.W.G., Benoit P.H., Wacker J.F., Burns R.G. and Fisher D.S.
(1993) Consortium report on the
ancient H chondrite regolith breccia Noblesville. Meteoritics 28, 528-537.
88a. Matsunami S., Ninagawa K., Nishimura S., Kubon N.,
Yamamoto I., Kohata M., Wada T., Yamashita Y., Lu Jie, Sears D. W. G., and Nishimura
H. (1993) Thermoluminescence and
compositional zoning in the mesostasis of a Semarkona group A1 chondrules and
new insights into the chondrule-forming process. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 2101-2110.
93. Chen Jiangfeng, Sears D. W. G. and Benoit P. H.
(1995) Thermoluminescence
property, petrologic type and shock facies assignment of Boxian chondrite. Jour. China Univ. Sci. Tech. 25,
95. Sears D.W.G., Morse A.D., Hutchison R., Guimon R.K.,
Lu Jie, Alexander C.M.O'D., Benoit P.H., Wright I., Pillinger C.T., Xian Tian
and Lipschutz M.E. (1995)
Metamorphism and aqueous alteration in low petrographic type ordinary
chondrites. Meteoritics 30,
96. Sears D.W.G., Symes S.P., Guimon R.K. and Benoit P.H.
(1995) Chemical and physical
studies of type 3 chondrites XII:
The metamorphic history of CV chondrites and their components. Meteoritics 30, 707-714.
98. Yanghong Zhang, Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G.
(1995) The classification and
thermal history of enstatite chondrites.
Jour. Geophys. Res. - Planets 100, 9417-9438.
99. Benoit P. H. and Sears D. W. G. (1996) Rapid changes in the composition of the
meteorite flux: The irradiation,
orbital, and terrestrial history of Antarctic H chondrites and modern
falls. Meteorit. Planet. Sci.
31, 81-86.
112. Sears D. W. G., Symes S. J. K., Akridge D. G.,
Batchelor J. D., and Benoit P. H. (1997)
Some induced thermoluminescence and thermal modelling constraints on the
metamorphic history of eucrites and eucrite-related meteorites. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 32,
129 Ninagawa K., Soyama K., Ota M., Toyoda S., Imae N.,
Kojima H., Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (2000) Thermoluminescence studies of
ordinary chondrites in the Japanese Antarctic meteorite collection, II: New
measurements for thirty type 3 ordinary chondrites. Antarct. Meteorit. Res. 13, 112- 120.
131. Benoit, P. H., Akridge, G. A.,
Ninagawa, K., Sears, D. W. G. (2002) Thermoluminescence sensitivity and thermal
history of type 3 ordinary chondrites: Eleven new type 3.0-3.1 chondrites and
possible explanations for differences among H, L, and LL chondrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science
37, 793-806
Abstracts and Extended
A5. Sears, D.W. (1978) Thermoluminescence of ten meteorites with greater than 4.0
aeon Argon 40/Argon 39 ages. Meteoritics,
13, 628-632.
A6. Sears, D.W. and Durrani, S.A. (1978) Thermoluminescence and the K-Ar age of
meteorites. Meteoritics, 13,
A8. Sears, D.W. (1979) Thermoluminescence of meteorites; relationships with their
K-Ar age and their shock and reheating histories. Meteoritics, 14, 534-535.
A9. Melcher, C.L., Ross, L.M., Mills, A.A., Grossman,
J.N. and Sears, D.W.(1980) A new
measure of the metamorphic history of ordinary chondrites. Meteoritics, 15, 332-333.
A16. Sparks, M.H. and Sears, D.W.G. (1982) Mechanism for metamorphism-induced TL
changes in UOC: Evidence from
Dhajala chondrules. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XIII, 754-755.
A17. Sears, D.W.G. and Weeks, K.S. (1983) Thermoluminescence of sixteen type 3
ordinary chondrites. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XIV, 682-683.
A19. Bakhtiar, N., Brandon, W.E., Guimon, R.K., Keck,
B.D., Saebo, K.K., Weeks, K.S. and Sears, D.W.G. (1984) Annealing studies of the
thermoluminescence sensitivity of chondrites: Relevance to the metamorphic and shock/reheating history of
meteor ites. Lunar Planet. Sci.
XV, 27-28.
A20. Guimon, R.K., Weeks, K.S., Keck, B.D. and Sears,
D.W.G. (1984) Thermoluminescence
as a palaeothermometer? Meteoritics,
19, 233-234.
A21. Rubin, A.E., James, J.A., Keck, B.D., Weeks K.S.,
Sears D.W.G. and Jarosewich E. (1984)
The Colony meteorite and the possible existence of a new chemical
subgroup of CO3 chondrites. Meteoritics,
19, 303-304.
A22. DeHart, J.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1985) The metamorphic history of ordinary
chondrites according to cathodoluminescence. Meteoritics, 20, 634-635.
A23 Hasan, F.A. and Sears, D.W.G. (1985) Thermoluminescence study of the
shergottites. Lunar Planet.
Sci., Supplement A, XVI 13-14.
A25. Keck, B.D., Guimon, R.K. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1985) An annealing study of
Dhajala, an H3.8 chondrite, and application to the palaeothermometry of
meteorites. Meteoritics, 20,
A26. Lofgren, G.E., Guimon, R.K. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1985) Devitrification and the
thermoluminescence properties of ordinary chondrites. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVI, 497-498.
A31. Guimon, R.K. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Thermoluminescence and metamorphism of
Allende and its CAI. Meteoritics,
21, 381-382.
A32. Guimon, R.K., Logren, G.E. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1986) A study of the effect of
devitrification on thermoluminescence in type 3.4 ordinary chondrites. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVII,
A33. Guimon, R.K., Sears, D.W.G. and Lofgren, G.E.
(1986) Laboratory metamorphism of
a primitive meteorite. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XVII, 299-300.
A34. Guimon, R.K., Sears, D.W.G. and Lofgren, G.E.
(1986) Metamorphism versus aqueous
alteration in type 3.0-3.3 ordinary chondrites. Meteoritics, 21, 380-381.
A35. Haq, M., Hasan, F.A. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Shock history of ordinary
chondrites: Some H and L,
Antarctic-non-Antarctic comparisons.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XVII, 307-308.
A36. Haq, M., Hasan, F.A. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Thermoluminescence and the origin of
the dark matrix of Fayetteville and similar meteorites. Meteoritics, 21,
A37. Hartmetz, C.P. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Thermoluminescence studies of annealed
plagioclase feldspar. Meteoritics,
21, 388-389.
A38. Hartmetz, C.P., Sears, D.W.G. and Ostertag, R.
(1986) Thermoluminescence studies
of shock loaded oligoclase and bytownite. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVII,
A41. Keck, B.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1986) Thermoluminescence and the metamorphic
history of CO chondrites. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XVII, 412-413.
A43 Sears, D.W.G. (1986) The induced thermoluminescence properties of meteorites and
their metamorphic and shock history.
Terra Cognita, 6, 176.
A45. Guimon, R.K., and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Thermoluminescence of separated Allegan
chondrules and chondrite thermal history and cooling rates. Meteoritics, 22, 396-397.
A46. Guimon, R.K., Lofgren, G.E. and Sears, D.W.G.
(1987) Thermoluminescence
properties of synthetic feldspars:
Implications for chondritic thermal histories. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 374-375.
A47. Haq, M., Hasan, F.A. and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Thermoluminescence of inclusions from
the Cumberland Falls meteorites. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XVIII, 381-382.
A48. Hartmetz, C.P. and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Thermoluminescence and X-ray
diffraction studies of annealed oligoclase. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 395-396.
A49. Hartmetz, C.P. and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Thermoluminescence properties of
shocked and annealed plagioclases with implications for meteorites. Meteoritics, 22, 400-401.
A50. Hasan, F.A., Haq, M. and Sears, D.W.G. (1987) Thermal stability of thermoluminescence
in a type 5 and type 3.4 ordinary chondrites. Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 397-398.
A52. Morse, A.D., Sears, D.W.G., Guimon, R.K., Hutchison,
H., Wright, I.P., Alexander, C.O. and Pillinger, C.T. (1987) Secondary alteration history of type 3
ordinary chondrites. Meteoritics,
22, 465-466.
A53 Sears D.W.G. (1984) TL of meteorites: Shedding light on the cosmos. 5th Internat. Special. Seminar on
thermoluminescence and electron spin resonance dating, Cambridge, U.K.
A54. Clark, C., Batchelor, J.D., Sears, D.W.G. and Guimon,
R.K. (1988) The thermoluminescence
properties of Mn-plagioclase mixtures with implications for meteorites. Meteoritics, 23, 263.
A55. Batchelor, J.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1988) Thermoluminescence in chondritic
mineral separates - A preliminary report.
Meteoritics, 23, 264.
A61. Hewins, R.H., Radomsky, P.M., Lu, J., Hasan, F.A.,
Jarosewich, E. and Sears, D.W. (1988)
Villa Natemovos - An L3.7 chondrite from the Allende strewn field. Meteoritics, 23, 273-274.
A65. Batchelor, J.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1989) Thermoluminescence of plagioclase
feldspars and implications for meteorite studies. Lunar Planet. Sci. XX, 52-53.
A66. Batchelor J.D. and Sears D.W.G. (1989) Metamorphism, brecciation and shock of
the eucrite associateion meteorites: A study by thermoluminescence techniques. Meteoritics
24, 250.
A72 Sears, D.W.G. (1989) A comparison of the induced thermoluminescence properties of
Antarctic and non-Antarctic A chondrites.
In Workshop on the Differences between Antarctic and non-Antarctic
Meteorites, (eds. C. Koeberl and W.A. Cassidy). LPI Tech. Rept. 90-01, 83-85. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX.
A74. Batchelor J.D. and Sears D.W.G. (1990) The metamorphic, shock and brecciation
history of eucrite association meteorites. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXI, 54-55.
A75. Batchelor J.D. and Sears D.W.G. (1990) Thermoluminescence of individual clasts
and matrix from basaltic achondrites.
Meteoritics 25, 349.
A77. Sears D.W.G. and Batchelor J.D,. (1990) The unique thermal history of H
chondrites. Meteoritics 25,
A78 Sears D.W.G., Batchelor D.J., Lu Jie and Keck B.D.
(1990) Metamorphism of CO and
CO-like chondrites and comparisons with type 3 ordinary chondrites. Papers presented at the
fifteenth symposium on Antarctic meteorites (abstract), 67-69. National Institute Polar Research,
A79. Sears D.W.G., Batchelor J.D., Mason B., Scott E.R.D.,
Clayton R.N. and Mayeda T.K. (1990)
South Australian type 3 ordinary chondrites. Meteoritics 25, 407-408.
A81. Batchelor D.J. and Sears D.W.G. (1991) Thermal history of LEW85300, LEW85302,
85303 shocked eucrites: thermoluminscence of individual clasts and matrix. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXII,
A87. Sears D.W.G. and Benoit P.H. (1991) The thermal and fragmentation history
of H chondrites: Antarctic and non-Antarctic comparisons. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXII,
A92. Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1992) The break-up of the H chondrite parent
body and the delivery of fragments to earth. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 85-86.
A93. Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1992) Metallographic cooling rate differences
between Antarctic and non-Antarctic H5 chondrites and some implications. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII,
A96. Bischoff A., Sears D.W.G., Benoit P.H., Geiger T. and
Stoffler D. (1992) New type 3 ordinary chondrites from the Sahara Desert. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII,
A98. Lipschutz M.E., Wolf S.F., Gartenhaus S., Lindstrom
M.M., Mittlefehldt D.W., Zolensky M.E., Wacker J.F., Benoit P.H., Sears D.W.
and Dodd R.T. (1992) Noblesville
meteorite breccia: recovery and initial characterization. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII,
A101. Ninagawa
K., Yamamoto I., Kohata M., Wada T., Yamashita Y., Lu J., Sears D.W.G.,
Matsunami S, and Nishimura H. (1992)
Thermoluminescence of primitive ordinary chondrites, Semarkona and
Bishunpur. Meteoritics 27,
A103. Symes
S., Benoit P.H., Batchelor J.D. and Sears D.W.G. (1992) The thermal history of lunar rocks,
regolith and lunar meteorites:
Secondary processing as viewed by thermoluminescence. Meteoritics 27, 294.
A107. Benoit
P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1993) The
great 8 Ma event and the structure of the H-chondrite parent body. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV,
A115. Symes
S.J., Guimon R.K., Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1993) Thermoluminescence and metamorphism in
CV chondrites. Meteoritics 28,
A117 Sears D.W. and Benoit P.H. (1993) Dating volcanic lavas -
Thermoluminescence methods. EOS,
Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 74 (supplement), 650.
A118 Benoit P.H., Welch T. and Sears D.W. (1993) The thermoluminescence and
cathodoluminescence properties of feldspar: A preliminary assessment for the dating of recent (<1 My)
volcanic and igneous rocks. EOS,
Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 74 (supplement), 649-650.
A119. Benoit
P.H., Batchelor J.D., Symes S. and Sears D.W.G. (1994) Primitive material in lunar highland
soils. Lunar Planet. Sci.
XXV, 97-98.
A120. Sears,
D.W. (1981) Thermoluminescence of
a gas-rich meteorite and the relationship between gas-rich adn gas-poor
meteorites. Workshop on Lunar
Breccias and Their Meteoritic Analogs (G.J. Taylor and L.L. Wilkening,
Eds.), 126-127. LPI Tech. R pt. 82-02. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
A121. Chen
Y., Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1994)
The orbital evolution of ordinary chondrites over the last 50 million
years. Lunar Planet. Sci.
XXV, 247-248.
A127. Benoit
P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1994) The H
chondrite parent body(ies):
Internal structure and temporal contribution to the meteorite flux. Abstracts Eight Inter. Conf.
Geochron. Cosmochron. Isotope Geol, Berkeley, California, June 5-11, 1994. U.S.
Geol. Surv. Circ. 1107, 27.
A130. Benoit
P. H. and Sears D. W. G. (1995)
The Antarctic collection and changes in the 1meteorite flux over
time: The lingering death of a
subgroup of H-chondrites. Lunar
Planet. Inst. Tech. Rpt. 95-02, 17-19. (Presented at the Workshop on Meteorites from Hot and Cold
Deserts, Nordlingen, July 20-22, 1994).
A134. Benoit
P. H., Symes S. J. K., Guimon R. K. and Sears D. W. G. (1995) The CV chondrites: Metamorphism, thermal history, and
their relationship to CK chondrites.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 105-106.
A140. Symes
S. J. K., Benoit P.H. and Sears D.W.G. (1995) A thermal history tale of two bodies: What did the HED parent-body have that
the Moon didn't? Meteoritics
30, 585.
A181. Benoit P.H., Ninagawa K., and Sears D.W.G. (2000)
Thermoluminescence sensitivity and thermal history of unequilibrated ordinary
chondrites: Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, CD-ROM #1394.
A184. Grossman
J.N., Birch B., Benoit P.H., Sears D.W.G., Clayton R. N., Rubin A.E., and
Chizmadia L.J. (2000) Rainbow: A new CO3 chondrite from Australia. Lunar
Planet. Sci. XXXI, CD-ROM #1355.
A198. Benoit P.H., and Sears D.W.G. (2002) GRO95502 and MET
96500: New highly unequilibrated
ordinary chondrites. 65th
Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Socity, Los Angeles, CA., Meteoritics and
Planetary Science, suppl., 37, A15.
A204. Lauretta D.S., Killgore M., Benoit P.H., Moore S., and
Sears D.W.G. (2002) NWA 505: A new LL3.0 with evidence for chondrule formation
in a dust-rich environment. 65th
Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Socity, Los Angeles, CA., Meteoritics and
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