Publications on the History of Meteoritics and Planetary Science

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Sears D.W.G. (in press) Gerard P.Kuiper and the Emergence of Planetary Science.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

8.         Sears, D.W. (1975d)  Sketches in the history of meteoritics 1:  The birth of the science.  Meteoritics, 10, 215-225.

10.       Sears, D.W. (1976)  Edward Charles Howard and an early British contribution to meteoritics.  J. Brit. Aston. Assoc., 86, 133-139.

14.       Sears, D.W. and Sears, H. (1977)  Sketches in the history of meteoritics 2: The early chemical and mineralogical work. Meteoritics, 12, 27-46.

166.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science: A commentary.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 414-415.

167.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XV: John Wood.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 5, pp. 903-915.

168.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XVI: Donald D. Bogard.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 416-433.

169.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XVII: Grenville Turner.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 434-448.

170.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XVIII: Joseph Goldstein.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 5, pp. 916-926.

171.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2012).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XIX: Klaus Keil.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 47, Issue 12, pp. 1891-1906.

173.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2013).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XX: Dale Cruikshank.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 700-711. Supplement on Kuiper.

178.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2014).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XXII: John T. Wasson.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 706-721.

179.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2014).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XXIV: William K. Hartmann.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 49, Issue 6, pp. 1119-1138.

180.     Sears, Derek W. G. (2014).  Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary science - XXV: Vagn F. Buchwald Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 49, Issue 7, pp. 1271-1287.

Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

A2.       Sears, D.W. (1977b)  The origin of meteorites 1770-1850.  Meteoritics, 12, 361.

A298A. Sears D. (2013)  Gerard Kuiper and the Infrared Detector.  American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #45, id.104.02


Unrefereed and Popular Articles

P2.       Sears D.W. (1974b)  Faraday, Michael (1791-1867).  How it Works, 952-953. Marshal Cavendish, London.

P3.       Sears D.W. (1974c)  Dalton, John (1766-1844).  How it Works, 704-705.  Marshal Cavendish, London.


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